October 20th to 26th, 2024
October 26, 2024
This was Invisible Disabilities Awareness Week from October 20th to 26th. This week is to bring awareness, education and support to millions of people who live with invisible disabilities, as well as for their family, friends, co-workers and community. This awareness can help able-bodied people understand the barriers and difficulties faced by those living with invisible disabilities.
'Non-Visible' Disabilities are disabilities that are not obvious, one cannot always see the nature of the disability. Periodically they are visible or obvious, and some disabilities may even be seen by those who have a better understanding of the conditions. Some conditions may require mobility aids one day but not the next. Some may require medication whereas others do not. There are many types of 'Non-Visible' disabilities, and the support each person requires differs, so listening to the disabled person, and acting upon their needs, is your best bet. Everyday things can be quite difficult such as work, travel and shopping as well as socializing or even just cleaning, so keeping an open mind and not judging someone is crucial. Making things more accessible and inclusive can really help improve the lives of those with 'Non-Visible' disabilities. But just being kind and nonjudgemental is what I am looking and hoping for.
My 'Non-Visible' Disabilities are as follows:
Mental Health Conditions;
severe anxiety
major depression
PTSD (childhood and complex)
Cognitive Impairment;
learning disability
traumatic brain injuries (untreated)
vertigo (unsure which causes it, visual, hearing, untreated brain injury)
Visual Impairment;
night blindness
depth perception
light sensitivity
Hearing Impairment;
hearing loss
chronic ear infections, allergen sensitivities
noise/sound sensitivity
Other Non-Visible Impairments;
chronic pain (Fibromyalgia/Trigeminal Neuralgia)
fatigue/chronic insomnia
respiratory conditions; asthma, smell sensitivities, extreme sensitivities to allergens, chronic sinusitis
stomach issues; IBS, GERD, food intolerance
sensory sensitivity
multiple chemical sensitivities
migraines, cluster headaches
Yes, I am a mess...I have had a very difficult life. I do wonder often though, how much of this has to do with the actual physical abuse my head took (I was knocked unconscious at least twice ...both times required stitches neither had treatment for concussion, one of those times I was only 2yrs old, the other I was 7... plus I had taken head beatings quite regularly as a small child...with or without a weapon...from at least the age of 8 until I was 14), or is it from just dealing with the decades of abuse and trauma, or is it actually just my own crappy genetics that I am this way. But for whatever reason it is that I have all these "Non-Visible' disabilities, I wish I could be treated better. I wish I could be understood. I wish I could explain myself to others so they could be more understanding and compassionate. It's a lonely place to be, hiding all these issues so that others may like me...or even just tolerate me for being the way that I am. I know I am a lot, I know I am weird, I know I am different, but in the end, I truly am an awesome, caring, wonderful person, who just wants to be treated like a 'normal' person is treated. I really hope these days/weeks/months of all these awareness campaigns really gets their point across for everyone.