January 24, 2025
As per my previous post, "Disability Benefits", there is no question as to why I am looking for someone to collaborate with me on my goals to help me promote my writing, share my stories and hopefully become a motivational speaker. With this collaboration, I'm not looking for funds...I'm mostly just looking for others influences to help me move forward and into the career I feel I belong in. I truly feel that my past has led me to this point...to where I can help others who are in abusive situations, or those with chronic illnesses, to know they are not alone, to know there are ways to move forward. That they too can find something more than the constant loneliness and frustration of being trapped in what feels like an endless cycle of absolute hell. That they too can have a life beyond this crap. I want to let them know they can find peace, love, healing...a real life they too want to live!
Life is hard...living in an abusive situation and/or with chronic health issues, is awful...and most often, it's usually both...then it's basically just hell. Doing that all alone, feeling no one understands, or worse, no one cares, is even that much more awful than hell. For those being abused, the perpetrator truly is the devil, and everything about it is the torture that victim has to deal with while residing in hell...feeling alone, unloved, unwanted, unworthy. For those living with chronic illness...it too is its own hell of absolutely horrific constant suffering. Then mix that chronic illness together with an abusive situation (which is, most often than not, what is happening) and even hell looks better than this. It's truly a shit feeling and no one deserves to suffer. Especially not alone!!!
I had begun writing to feel less alone, and it really has helped a great deal...I have all of you to listen to me...but now, I want to reach out and make a real difference in the lives of those who are still suffering. I also want to make a difference for those who don't understand our suffering but want to.
I enjoy writing, I really do, it's been so wonderful to get the thoughts out of my busy ADHD/traumatized mind and share it with all of you. But I need more!!! I like helping others, I always have. And I've always been great in customer service roles...so being among others is a real draw for me. I am super empathetic and obviously compassionate. I feel most of my life's goals has always been towards the greater good. I have survived far much more than anyone should have had to, but because of that I can understand those who are suffering from many different sides...if you can think it...I've most probably lived it. I feel this amount of knowledge that I carry, and am willing to share, could help so many people who are in need, who are suffering, who just want to be understood, or to understand, could learn a lot from me. I want my horrific past to mean something. As mentioned before, I truly hate (hate) the phrase "Everything happens for a Reason!"...it usually totally pisses me off... but ...maybe the reason I went through all that absolute crap is so I can help others dealing with what I went through! I so much want to give my life some meaning!!! I really hope I can find someone who is interested in collaborating with me to help me reach my goals, so that I can help others reach their goals as well!!! You are not alone! There really is light at the end of the tunnel!! I know, because I have found it, and I hope I can help you find that light too!!! Â My heart truly goes out to all of you!!!