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Third Book Review

Updated: Jan 27

My Cinderella Story A Dark Fairy Tale
My Cinderella Story A Dark Fairy Tale

Third Review on Amazon for

My Cinderellas Story A Dark Fairy Tale!!!


January 19, 2025

This review was absolutely incredible! It literally brought tears to my eyes! I do not see myself in this light in any way. I just see a middle-aged woman try hard to have a chance at a life and feeling like I'm just getting by. This message makes me sound strong and capable...what a wonderful feeling to have from someone else voice. I never thought my writing would cause such an impression on anyone...I had hoped that maybe my sharing would help others, but it never really resonated to this level, and this makes me so happy. Maybe this will make a difference for others, maybe my suffering will have meaning. I always hate that saying, "everything happens for a reason", well I hope maybe this is the reason, and I can truly help others transform their lives as well. My goal as mentioned before, is to become a motivational speaker for those who have suffered through abuse and domestic violence, as well as maybe help change the stigma on mental health. Maybe this is my calling...maybe this is the direction I am supposed to go...this review really makes me feel that. Thank you for boosting my spirits!!!


My Third Book Review:


Reviewed in Canada on January 19, 2025

"The author takes us on a journey through a toxic and abusive decade long relationship, where she is both mentally and physically in danger. She shares what it means to lose yourself at the hands of someone else. Finding joy in the little things along the way, holding on to what matters. The importance of building a community of trusted people. She stood up for herself in her relationship when circumstances allowed. She tells her story unapologetically to us despite the pain. She shares what it means to trust again, fall in love again, and how this man she adored in many ways saved her. While we as the reader are grateful for the hands he extended to help her, you can't help but think about all the ways she saved herself. How she was the person she needed all along and how this strength and beauty she was seeking was an undying force inside of her. I'm so proud of her for allowing herself to love and trust again. I'm even more proud of her for being the person she needed all along and showing up for herself in a number of beautiful ways."


"Fight Song" Rachel Platten ... perfect song for this review...

Facebook - Just Scrambled Eggs


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